choose a country (a state system) to discuss the various forms of subsistence patterns that its citizens and inhabitants use to survive.
Choose a dish or beverage to explain why that is significant for that country. Discuss what types of subsistence patterns were used to make your selected dish/beverage. You must also explain why the dish is important nationally, locally, and or globally.
You may want to discuss if their subsistence strategies have been affected by colonialism or globalization, or if their current subsistence practices are sustainable.
Your assignment must be typed and double spaced. Your paper must be at least 2800 words in length and the pages numbered. Note: 300 words double spaced is one page. Use the American Anthropological Association Style Guide when citing sources. Your paper must also include the following points below:
_____ Title
The title should be concise. It should describe the contents of your paper.
_____ Introduction –
Provide basic information about the country, and an overview of what the reader should expect in your paper. Why have you selected this country for your paper? What about their types of food production/belief system makes it unique, etc.?
_____ Part I: Explanation – (can be multiple paragraphs addressing the point below)
Which scholars (anthropologists/social scientists) have produced ethnographies about this country and its people? (Discuss at least two)
Dish paper:
Describe the four types of subsistence patterns identified by anthropologists and discuss at least two forms of subsistence patterns found within your chosen Asian country/state.
Describe the subsistence patterns in detail that create your dish.
You should describe the country’s staple foods, social organization (population size, cultural area, division of labor-sex/gender, age sets/age grade).
_____ Part II Analysis and Evaluation
In this section analyze the subsistence/belief system trends currently happening within this country. Is their current subsistence strategy sustainable? Why or why not?
Are they starting to adopt other forms of food procurement/belief systems?
If relevant, what major issues have local indigenous peoples/ethnic groups/citizens encountered as a result of colonialism and globalization for belief systems/food procurement?
How have these issues impacted their way of life?
Write about your own opinions and observations from scholarly readings;
Make sure you explain and support them with academic/peer reviewed examples.
_____ Conclusion
Conclude your essay by discussing trends that the country might move towards in the near and or distant future.
If relevant, explain what you learned about each ethnic group/regional population within the country.
Discuss the challenges that the cultural groups within that country will face in terms of cultural survival regarding food procurement/belief systems.
Summarize your key points.
_____ References Cited Page
Note: the American Anthropological Association uses the Chicago Manual of Style
Use at least ONE ethnographic work (anthropology article/book) from your country.
Use at least THREE journal articles supporting your topic.
Spelling and grammar will be reflected in your final grade.
Write in a logical and coherent manner; it should be easy to read and flow well.
Excessive use of quotations will not count towards your word count.