Form should always follow function? As an architect, one would envisage that a design will nearly always start with the ‘function’, then as the project develops, a ‘form’ will be created. “A designer wouldn’t start a project and say ‘I’m going to design a spherical object and then think of a function to give it afterward’”. (Sourced: hp://www.productdesignforums.com/topic/8798-form-follows-funcon/, Posted 19 May 2008 – 03:39 PM) YOUR TASK Your task is to discuss in an essay format the above statement. You must use research from a variety of sources to jusfy your essay. REQUIRED ELEMENTS TO BE COMPLETED FOR THIS RESEARCH TASK: 1. The first part of the response will require you to produce a list of: (20%) • Two (TERTIARY – three) differing brief comments AGREEING with the above quote (typically one sentence long) • Two (TERTIARY – three) differing brief comments DISAGREEING with the above quote (typically one sentence long) 2. This will be followed by (part 2): (80%) • A wrien essay responding to the quote of your choice and the queson posed above Architecture YR 11 – Assignment 1 – Essay Task (Sem. 2, 2017) • The response is to be an essay format that contains no less than 600 – 800 words (TERTIARY – 1000 min. – 1200 max. words). At the end of your essay, you must include your word count (i.e. 634 words). • It is expected that you will use comments, research informaon or designs ideas from other sources to help research and develop your argument. Accredited students must use at least TWO source material (TERTIARY – minimum THREE, maximum FIVE source material sources). STRUCTURE OF YOUR SUBMISSION • You must structure the essay with an introducon, body and conclusion. A good style of essay wring formang is the TEXAS style. • All your work must be typed on a GOOGLE DRIVE FORM (at least a standard Office or similar program), but saved as a PDF for submission • Quotaons – this will be discussed in class • Referencing – Keep in the Harvard style (refer to the BSSS guidelines regarding quotaon and refereeing styles) o Keep referencing to IN-TEXT style • SUBMISSION – Complete you work as mentioned – Save your work as a PDF and submit the PDF into the Schoology Assignment Dropbox ASSESSMENT CRITERIA You will be assessed to the degree in which you demonstrate the following: • Knowledge of topic • Crical and analycal skills • Clarity and fluency of expression • Control of the essay /analysis form demonstrang an awareness of audience and purpose (including word – length). • Command of the technical aspects of language • Use of quotaons within the essay • Citaon of quotaons (See BSSS p publicaon What’s Plagiarism: how you can avoid it) • Depth and evidence of quality research HELPFUL HINTS • Time management your assignment to ensure you complete a dra for consideraon (Only ONE dra per student will be fully considered). Please ensure you proofread your work!