Your probationary firefighter of 7 months is neither learning his streets nor becoming part of your shift. He is stand-offish and avoids being a part of all shift functions. It seems that nobody on the shift wants to assist him with any of his required training and the tension on the shift is rising fast.
During emergency incidents he follows orders and has minimal knowledge of his assigned duties and responsibilities. He must be given specific instructions on carrying out routine house duties. He arrives at work 5 minutes prior to his assigned shift is to start.
He has been invited to several shift functions (off-duty) but has declined the invitations to all of the functions. This included promotional parties for recently promoted officers, weddings for shift members and a funeral viewing and services for a shift member’s relative.
Prepare a written action plan on how you will handle this personnel problem. In your plan include the following:
Your written action plan should not exceed 3 type-written pages.
You will be graded on your evaluation of the problem and the action
plan you develop.
You will be graded on your grammar use, punctuation and spelling.
Enclose copies of your organization’s policies and procedures that deal
with this type of incident.
Instructions for project preparation:
Project will be typed with a 1 inch border, double spaced, using TIMES ROMAN or ARIAL – 12 point lettering style.
Provide your name, project due date, and properly site your sources (if necessary) on page 1 of the assignment.
Do not exceed 3 pages for your project (This does not include your organization’s policies and/or procedures)