You will turn in a short paper summarizing your findings from the field trip. This will include an abstract, introduction, and a results section (written description of facies, accompanied by stratigraphic sections and interpretations). The length of the actual write up should not exceed 4 pages (typed, double spaced 1012pt) not including measured sections, tables or other figures. Before you write anything please be sure to read over the document I have posted at d2l “Common Errors On Field Trip Writeups”. Your first draft writeup is due in class Oct 18th. It should include the following parts, each section labeled with a heading: 1?Abstract. A summary of your findings, including necessary background. About 200 words. See the online instructions linked to the class home page on writing your abstract. Look at a few journal articles to get an idea of what goes or doesn’t go into an abstract before you do this. I’ve posted our discussion readings with abstracts which you can use as models) Even though this is the first part of your paper, it should be the last thing you actually write. 2) Introduction. This should briefly summarize the background information necessary for understanding the problem. What is the geological setting and background of the study area (location, age, contexta few sentences or a paragraph is plenty). What did you do (methods)? What is the question being asked? Where and why was the work undertaken? Who did the work? This section should also be brief (half page). 3) Results. This is where most of your effort should be directed. What did you actually observe detailed descriptions for particular facies that I will note for you in the field, measured sections and sketches. Measured sections should be drafted in SedLog or some other computer drawing program. If you want to include symbols for features that are not available in the SedLog drawing tools kit don’t hesitate to hand draw in those special symbols but be sure to include a key for them. Although the intent of this first overnight trip is not environmental interpretation we would still like you to take a stab at lowerlevel (i.e. process or local environment of deposition) interpretations of your observations? Organize this by site visited, describing the stratigraphy first, then your interpretation of depositional environments. Within a site describe the strata from oldest to youngest and be sure to separate clearly observations from interpretation. Interpretations can be either woven into the descriptions, say at the end of each paragraph describing a particular facies and its contact relationships, or at the end of the entire description of all facies at a stop. Incorporateour measured sections and sketches here (these do not count towards page limits). Follow up with a discussion of your provenance results here. Work from most observational to most synthetic.
4) Discussion/Conclusions. An excellent (A quality) paper will also contain a brief (12 paragraph) discussion at the end which synthesizes your understanding of facies trends in space and time through the Bisbee Basin based on your observations. You could for example, try to draw a sketch map that lays out your interpretation of the paleogeography of the region during the Early Cretaceous, discuss how environments would have changed through the sequence of formations we observed, and make some inferences about paleoclimate at the time based on your facies observations. Use Walther’s Law to help you interpret what the lateral (horizontal) changes in facies and environment might have been like based on what you see through the stratigraphic column. 5) Figures. Include all figures (measured sections, sketches, photos etc) that you prepared to use for your report. Make sure all figures/tables have titles, are numbered sequentially and are referred to at the appropriate place in the text.