Major Assignment: Quantitative Methodology Proposal (Addresses SLOs 1-8)
This assignment involves crafting a quantitative methodology proposal on a social work practice issue of interest. This assignment provides students with the opportunity to revise and integrate their work from Assignment #1 into a cohesive and rigorous beginning research proposal. Students will include a critique of their proposal as well as a discussion of the ethical issues relating to data collection. Note: To receive credit in the course, students must earn a mean score of 3.0 on this 4.0 competency measure.
Instructions: Discuss the following topics in a comprehensive paper (approximately 20 pages total) using a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed journal articles or texts.
1. Identification of Study Methodology
• Problem identification and significance
• Rationale/purpose for the study
• Research questions/hypothesis(es)
• Instrument selection/construction
• Research design
• Sample and sampling strategy
• Data collection strategy
2. Critique
• Identify the strengths and limitations of the study methodology with respect to internal validity, construct validity, and external validity.
• Identify any other strengths and limitations that may exist within the proposal.
3. Ethical Application
• From an ethical framework grounded in the NASW Code of Ethics, review the proposal with respect to sample, sampling strategy and data collection strategy.
• What inherent ethical risks (e.g., vulnerability of populations, privacy, involuntariness, deception) does the study pose? What recommendations are made to address these risks?