This worksheet is designed to assess your ability to perform, interpret, report, and graphically present various factorial designs. These are some of the most sophisticated analyses in our field and require practice and thought to perform and interpret. These tests can yield conclusions that change the direction in one’s field. Being able to critically evaluate such results is paramount to maintaining competency in one’s field, and being able to produce such analyses in a competent manner is a coveted skill in our field.
Be sure you have reviewed this module’s assigned readings and presentations before completing this assignment. This includes using ensuring the homework is completed and submitted according to the instructions, SPSS output and images are legible and relevant, and that basic college level writing skills (e.g., grammar) are used in the write-ups. Answers should be placed where indicated (e.g., “ANSWER”). Note: all questions must be attempted to be eligible for full credit.
· Please note that for all problems in this course, the standard cut-off (alpha) for a test of significance will be .05, and you always report the exact power unless SPSS output states p=.000 (you’d report p<.001). Also, remember that we divide the p-value in half when reporting one-tailed tests with 1 – 2 groups. Also – remember to check your graphs! You often have to ADD the y – axis title. · ** remember BS factors are entered into SPSS by having two columns regardless of number of levels. One column is used to identify the levels (e.g., 0 = male; 1 = female), and a second column for the DV values. In contrast, when entering a WS factor, you will have the same number of columns as you do levels, so if you have four levels (e.g., freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), you’d have four columns with the DV values in each per level. See this week’s corresponding SPSS presentation for visual examples. · One of the examples in your Practice Worksheet for this week explicitly shows how to perform a factorial design with two or more WS factors and no BS factors (although you do have the skills to figure it out without a visual example if you’d like!) · Submit the file as a WORD document (.doc or .docx). Make sure the filename of your submission includes your full name, course and section. · Example: SPSS3_JohnDoe_515B01 Scenario 1 Does memory performance differ based on study format (word, picture, and auditory study styles) and/or test format (in person vs. online)? Students in a class (N = 36) were randomly assigned to one of three study conditions (studying lists of words, pictures, or by listening to the list), and randomly assigned to one of two test types (in person or online). This means there were different people in each of the six conditions (n = 6 per condition): word study / in-person test; word study / online test; picture study / in-person test; picture study / online test; auditory study / in-person test; auditory study / online test. Data shown below are percent correct for each of these conditions. Enter it into SPSS to conduct the appropriate analysis and answer the following questions. STUDY CONDITION Word STUDY Picture STUDY Auditory STUDY TEST TYPE In-person TEST 88 79 68 80 90 92 90 85 50 85 74 74 67 78 54 78 89 79 Online TEST 56 70 92 78 45 71 62 65 88 95 51 89 59 67 87 90 67 93 7 1. How many factors are in this scenario? For each clearly labeled factor, state how many levels it has and list them. Also label each factor as “BS” or “WS”. ANSWER 2. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below: ANSWER 3. Create appropriate graph(s) in SPSS and paste it in the space provided below (note select only the most relevant but you must have at least one – points will be deducted for additional graphs that are not the best choice based on the results of the analysis). ANSWER 4. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant, state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document. ANSWER Scenario 2 A researcher wanted to investigate whether perception of intelligence is influenced by a person’s facial expression and/ or gender. Some photos were of males; others were of females, and within each of those groups, some were smiling whereas others had neutral facial expressions. All 12 participants were shown the same photo set. This means each participant judged every condition – male smiling; male neutral; female smiling; female neutral. Data are the average perceived intelligence scores for each condition per participant: Smiling pictures Neutral pictures Male photos Female photos Male photos Female photos Participant A 8.7 8.2 8.5 9.0 Participant B 9.1 8.0 9.0 8.5 Participant C 8.3 9.0 8.3 8.4 Participant D 9.5 8.8 9.4 9.2 Participant E 9.0 8.2 8.9 8.8 Participant F 7.7 7.0 7.8 7.5 Participant G 8.6 8.8 8.5 8.0 Participant H 8.5 7.3 8.4 7.7 Participant I 9.1 6.5 9.2 6.5 Participant J 9.2 8.0 9.1 8.1 Participant K 8.2 8.1 8.1 8.3 Participant L 8.0 7.5 7.9 7.9 5. How many factors are in this scenario? For each clearly labeled factor, state how many levels it has and list them. Also label each factor as “BS” or “WS”. ANSWER 6. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below: ANSWER 7. Create appropriate graph(s) in SPSS and paste it in the space provided below (note select only the most relevant but you must have at least one – points will be deducted for additional graphs that are not the best choice based on the results of the analysis). HINT ON THIS PARTICULAR SCENARIO: If you need to create a graph for a significant ME, you will have to average the two columns for each particular level (e.g., if the ME Gender is significant, you’d want to compute a new variable that averages the scores for smiling_male and neutral_male, and another new variable for smiling_female and neutral_female, then you would create the appropriate graph for those two columns). It is highly recommended you have SPSS calculate these for you to reduce error (see this week’s presentation in for SPSS – example 2 shows how to create an “averaged” variable). ANSWER 8. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant, state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document. ANSWER Scenario 3 Participants (N=12) in a study were randomly assigned to one of two types of therapy – either talk therapy or drug therapy (n = 6 per condition). Mood scores were analyzed at two time points for all clients: 4 weeks and 12 weeks into the start of the therapy. Mood scores are presented in the table below, with higher scores indicating improved / more positive moods. Use the data to answer the questions in this set. Talk Drug 4 weeks 12 weeks 4 weeks 12 weeks P1 7 9 P7 4 7 P2 5 7 P8 5 9 P3 4 5 P9 4 5 P4 6 6 P10 3 6 P5 7 8 P11 2 5 P6 7 7 P12 4 6 9. How many factors are in this scenario? For each clearly labeled factor, state how many levels it has and list them. Also label each factor as “BS” or “WS”. ANSWER 10. Paste all relevant statistical output in the space provided below: ANSWER 11. Create appropriate graph(s) in SPSS and paste it in the space provided below (note select only the most relevant but you must have at least one – points will be deducted for additional graphs that are not the best choice based on the results of the analysis). ANSWER 12. Present the results using APA format. This includes a full write-up to include a complete statistical notation as shown in the weekly presentations. The write-up also needs interpretation. If significant, state how. If it is not significant, what does that mean in layman’s terms? Additional examples of APA results sections are also available in the “Helpful Hints” document. ANSWER Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. Page 2 of 2