Assignment Your task is to use one of the research topics you selected (can words from a nonpreviously exposed language be memorized during hypnosis?) and examine validity issues that may present in attempting to study the topic. Specifically, 1. Define the following terms in your own words o Variable o Operationalization o Sample o Scale o Measurement o Measurement error o Causation o Plausible rival explanations o Hypothesis o Reliability o Unit of analysis o Four main types of validity (conclusion, internal, external and construct) 2. Explain how the terms are relevant to a study investigating as you have conceptualized it at this point. If you have not yet conceptualized a study, make one up or use one you read about in a previous course. 3. Describe any issues, including threats, which you might encounter in putting together a study on the research topic you have selected. Length: 6 pages References: 8 (Attached) APA Style. No plagiarism