- Introduction
- Role & Importance of physical activity in NZ society
Physical activity & NZ society
Research relating to physical needs of young people
Diversification of physical activity
Sporting subcultures
Well-being & health
Hauora: Maori philosophy of well-being unique to NZ
Values & beliefs
Impact of physical activity on well-being: positive/negative
Sociocultural influences on physical activity
- Personal & Interpersonal influences on physical activity
Personal influences
Interpersonal influences
- Societal influences on physical activity
Societal influences
Global influences
Economic factors that affect participation in physical activity
Affect of the physical environment
Media influence
- Barriers & Enablers to participation in physical activity
Barriers – lack time/energy, encouragement/support
STRATEGIES TO ENCOURAGE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY – strategy & purpose Enablers – experience in physical activity, social support, motivational aids
- Conclusion
- References (at least 10)
Participation and Influences Timeline
Explain your own Hauora (The Hauora is a Māori philosophy of health and well-being unique to New Zealand) and what it means to you in each of the 4 wellbeing areas: physical, mental/emotional, social, spiritual.
Barriers &
Age Group: Physical Activities: Influences: Enablers: Assumptions:
5 – 10 Years | -lunchtime games at school e.g. ball-rush, tag
-national swimmer -rugby -hip hop dancing -athletics -horse riding -biking |
-myself -parents -grandparents
10 – 16 Years | -Walks
-Biking -national swimmer -rugby -hip hop dancing -athletics -horse riding -cross country training |
-friends -parents -grandparents -myself
16 + Years | -walking/tramping
-mountain biking/leisure biking -national swimmer
-friends/personal interest
-family -friends -parents -grandparents -myself |