This week you will examine cultural competencies when working with people of who have different socioeconomic status or religious and spiritual beliefs. You will also examine possible ethical dilemmas when working with these populations and how to overcome them.
Select one of the codes of ethics: Ethical Principles of Psychologists
Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct (apa.org)
In your initial discussion forum post,
· Discuss at least one ethical or legal dilemma you could face when working with culturally diverse spiritual
· Discuss at least one ethical or legal dilemma you could face when working with culturally diverse socioeconomic
· Identify the ethical codes your dilemmas would address, using one of the codes of ethics listed above.
· Describe how you can resolve the ethical dilemma in a sensitive and appropriate manner.
· Identify at least one new idea or concept you learned about spirituality and social class and how you will apply that to your work as a human service professional.
250 words
APA style