Faculty of Heath and Wellbeing BSc (Hons) Nursing Studies Academic Level: 4 Essentials of Nursing Science and Practice Detailed Assignment Information Task 1 Reflective Assignment This information provides more detail to help you meet the assessment criteria Write a reflective assignment focusing on one aspect of physiological assessment, relevant to your field of practice. N.B. There is no requirement to follow a specific or named reflective model although students are free to do so should this be preferred. Those that do so should be careful to avoid over expending the word allowance describing the nature of reflection which is not a requirement. Examples may include: BMI (Body mass index) Height/Weight Assessment of effects and side effects of medicines Pain assessment Nutritional assessment Fluid balance Vital signs Early warning score Pressure area risk assessment Wound assessment Falls assessment Continence assessment Moving and handling assessment You may have undertaken the same physiological assessment on a number of occasions or once only. You may have carried out the assessment under supervision or have observed the process. How you organise your assignment is a personal choice. Theory underpinning the assessment process You should demonstrate evidence of reading around the theory of assessment as part of the nursing process, nursing models, holistic care and relationship/family centred care. The reason for undertaking the aspect of physiological assessment and its’ relevance to the health care need of the service user You should identify the reason why the assessment was undertaken and state its’ relevance to the ongoing health care need for the service user with reference to relevant theory. For example, undertaking blood pressure to identify risk of coronary heart disease or signs of dehydration, identifying BMI to identify need for healthy eating /maintaining healthy weight. Strengths and limitations of assessment tools within physiological assessment Consider how assessment tools were used in the physiological assessment process with reference to relevant theory. For example, collecting and using objective data to form baseline measurement, quantify risk, identify needs etc.
How service user involvement, care, compassion, privacy and dignity are maintained within the assessment process With reference to relevant theory you may wish to discuss how you involved the service user in the assessment process, met the service user/carer’s needs for care, compassion, privacy, dignity, sensitivity etc. (taking into consideration social care needs where appropriate). The role of communication skills within assessment Consider how a range of communication skills were used in the physiological assessment process with reference to relevant theory. For example, the use of open and closed questions or active listening, verbal, nonverbal. The role of observation skills within assessment Consider how observation skills were used in the physiological assessment process with reference to relevant theory. For example, the appearance or behaviour of the service user The role of recording skills within assessment Consider the importance of documentation and accurate record keeping with reference to relevant theory. A range of supporting literature should be used and referenced according to accepted conventions.