Click on the link below (or copy and paste) and select up to 2 papers from the first 10 papers in the Working Papers section (papers 1 through 10 under Working Papers).
https://econpapers.repec.org/RAS/pba396.htm (Links to an external site.)
Then, write a summary and a brief analysis of the main ideas of the paper and submit it to earn up to 1 point (for 2 papers) to be added to the overall score in this course.
The maximum number of pages per summary/analysis (of each article) is 1 page; typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and 12PT. The extra-credit work must be submitted through Canvas as a PDF file upload),
Click on the link below (or copy and paste) and select up to 2 papers from papers 11 through 22 in the Working Papers section (papers 11 through 22 under Working Papers).
https://econpapers.repec.org/RAS/pba396.htm (Links to an external site.)
Then, write a summary and a brief analysis of the main ideas of the paper and submit it to earn up to 1 point (for 2 papers) to be added to the overall score in this course.
The maximum number of pages per summary/analysis (of each article) is 1 page; typed, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and 12PT. The extra-credit work must be submitted through Canvas as a PDF file upload), If you decide to submit 2 article summaries, please put both in the same file, one on each page so that the total pages in the file are 2.
I have chosen 4 papers topic which I picked from the working paper, the link has been given by my professor. Topics are given here too. Each research needs 1 page.
1)Working Papers 2017 Financing and performance of female-owned firms in Middle Eastern 2)Trade and Environmental Quality in African Countries: Do Institutions Matter?
3)Entrepreneurship and Reforms in Developing Countries
4) Entrepreneurship, Reforms, and Development: Empirical Evidence