Please make use of the following paragraph headings, sub headings and bullet points. • Describe the fashion entrepreneur’s background, motivations for starting the venture, challenges in growing the venture. (2-3 pages) • Evaluate the value proposition (target market, product/service description and unique benefit). (1/2 to 1 page) • What makes the company successful (or not)? What are your recommendations for improvement? (1-2 pages) • Discuss how the findings of the interview are meaningful to you. What have you learned about your own potential to be a fashion entrepreneur? (1-2 pages) The objective is to drill down into the venture and thoroughly understand the entrepreneur and how he or she does business. It is critical that you do not just deal with superficial questions and answers. The key is to probe, to ask why, to delve beneath the surface. What insights can you offer about the person’s career and your own entrepreneurial capabilities? Critically analyse what you learn in reference to theory from journal articles/textbooks. Does it align or differ from theory? Note: You should use a MINIMUM of 9 peer-reviewed journal articles (e.g., Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Journal of Small Business Management etc.) and 8 industry magazine articles (e.g., Business of Fashion, Fortune Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, Business Review Weekly etc.) to support your analysis. These references are integrated throughout the entire assignment. Tips • Do not wait to set up an appointment. Entrepreneurs by definition are busy people and you need to fit into their schedule. • You should prepare questions in advance. It is helpful to first walk through the questions in a mock interview with a friend. • Be businesslike. Send your entrepreneur an agenda and your questions well in advance of the meeting. Be sure to confirm time and location as well as your contact information in case they have to postpone. Confirm the amount of time you require and be sure to stick to it. I recommend 6 45-60 minutes. Be certain to explain to the entrepreneur that you are asking for the interview as part of a university assignment. • To help with the preparation of your report, it is a good idea to record the interview so you can use direct quotes in your paper to reinforce points (please ask for permission to record the interview before hand). • Arrange to meet the entrepreneur in person. You may like to take them to lunch or buy them a coffee as this provides a neutral, non-threatening environment for the interview to take place away from typical office interruptions. • Can’t find an entrepreneur? Ask your classmates. Contact an industry association. Ask your parents, friends etc. Don’t be shy! • As a courtesy, please be sure to send your entrepreneur a brief thank you note!