This is the article: https://www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2018/summer/soltis (Links to an external site.) This will be the one source required.
Write an essay of NO LESS than 700 words (The word count begins with the first word in your introduction and ends with the last word in your conclusion.) in which you explain how Laura Emiko Soltis, author of Freedom University:”Where You Walk in Undocumented and Leave Unafraid” builds an argument to persuade her audience that letting undocumented students and first generation teachers create their own learning and curriculum creates empowerment for underprivileged students.
In your essay, ANALYZE how Soltis uses one or more of the features listed in the box at the top of your reading to strengthen the logical appeal, ethical appeal, emotional appeal, and persuasiveness of her argument. Be sure that your ANALYSIS focuses on the most important features of the passage.
Your essay should NOT explain whether you agree with Soltis’ claims, but INSTEAD explain HOW Soltis builds an argument to PERSUADE her audience.
FORMAT – You will format your essay according to MLA guidelines and follow ALL procedures therein.
INTRODUCTION – Your essay must have a well-developed introduction that includes a thesis statement and essay map. Your introduction should have a clear explanation and/or definition of the issue/task. It should also demonstrate a thorough understanding of the context, audience, and purpose that is responsive to the assigned task; it must focus on all elements of the assigned task. (HINT: You should be able to compose an essay map using the information in the essay prompt.).
BODY PARAGRAPHS – In addition, you must compose AT LEAST 3 well-developed body paragraphs with topic sentences at the beginning of each body paragraph. Your body paragraphs should contain well developed supporting details along with extension and elaboration on those details where appropriate. (HINT: Your body paragraph topic sentences should be created from the criteria listed in your essay map.).
EVIDENCE – You must only use evidence from the one reading provided. That evidence should be cited in your document with properly formatted parenthetical (in-text) citations where appropriate. The evidence should be relevant and contribute to the development of your thesis statement and essay map. Additionally, you must demonstrate in-depth analysis and interpretation of the evidence from your assigned reading. You must also include a properly formatted Work Cited page. You will only include the assigned source used for your exam on your Work Cited page.
CONCLUSION – Finally, your essay must have a well-developed conclusion that goes beyond merely restating the thesis; it does not simply summarize what you have discussed. It should include your suggestions for change and/or possible implications for the future. Your commentary and suggestions for change should be logical and well thought out.