Essay Question: Identify an emerging technology discussed in the course. What are some of the social, cultural and/or political issues that are relevant to understanding its design, implementation and/or adoption.
Essay Length: 2,300 words excluding reference list. 10- 15 reference
The key idea for this assessment is to first introduce the technology and topic, outline what context you are examining it in, summaries the key issues AND express your central argument (what does it all add up to?)… this needs to come in the introduction.
Additionally, in the body of the essay, you should be reconnecting the ideas and concepts back to either your question or your argument… in other words… make sure you are explaining to the reader why it has been included. Don’t assume knowledge or that I will be able to make the connection. You need to make the connection clear for me. That makes for a great essay.
Essay question: Does the potential risks associated with self-driving technology outweigh the benefits of improving transportation efficiency and safety?