Instructions for completing this assignment are:
As stated earlier, everyone has to write a research paper individually. Research paper is not concerned to chapters in your book. It should be on some economic issues/ problems. It may be micro or macro, one individual organization or more than one. It may be on trading, manufacturing, service, financial institutions. It could be on any type of activities that has economic issues. You can choose your own topic. If you wish to discuss with me you can do so. A research paper has to be 4 pages (excluding Cover page and bibliographical page) typed, double spaced 12 F. size. It should not be more than 9 pages Must have at least three references. It must have Title/Topic Tentative Format: Title, Introduction, Objectives, Theoretical background ( if needed) Collection and analysis of information (here depending upon your topic and available information, you will develop with sub aspects and titles) Findings, and Suggestions and summary. Again, this just a suggestive outline. You may have your own format. If your research paper exceeds my expectations from your class level you may get one or two bonus points but that requires exceptional report. References may include web site, magazines, newspaper, company annual reports and documents and/ or any other sources. This Research paper is worth 15% .