For the Major Assignment, you are required to demonstrate your understanding of major East Asian philosophies/schools of thought through the following scenario:
·Imagine that there are 4 candidates running for an election to become the Supreme Ruler of a country called Idealland.One candidate is a Confucian, one is a philosophical Daoist, one is a Mohist, and one is a Legalist.You may make up names for each candidate if you wish.
·The Supreme Ruler would have full legislative and executive powers (ie. he/she would be able to make any law he/she wants, and implement it in any way he/she wishes).
·For each of the 4 candidates, describe what his/her policy/position would be in the following areas:
1. the kind of government needed in Idealland (ex. the structure of the government, what the government would be responsible for, what the population would be free to do on their own, what kinds of people would be recruited to serve in the government and how they would be recruited, etc.)
2. taxation and how taxes will be used (ex. to pay high salaries to government officials, to support universities, to pay for universal healthcare, to maintain a large military force, etc.)
3. criminal justice and legal punishments (ex. what kinds of legal punishments should exist, what crimes are considered especially serious, etc.)
4. relations with neighbouring countries (ex. whether to treat all neighbouring countries as equals, whether relations should be friendly/defensive/offensive, etc.)
5. the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, supposing that an outbreak in Idealland has not yet occurred, but is expected to occur very soon after the election
6. how and why he/she would be a better Supreme Ruler than the other 3 candidates
You may structure this assignment in the form of a traditional essay, a debate/dialogue among the 4 candidates, or in another form that is approved in advance by the instructor.Regardless of the format, your assignment needs to be in complete sentences and in Standard English.
You will be expected to use information from the lectures and the assigned readings to complete this assignment, and you are not required to do any other additional research.If you choose to use other sources, please provide a Chicago-style bibliography of these sources.
Your assignment must be your own work.You are allowed to seek editorial assistance for spelling and grammatical issues, but the actual writing must be done on your own.
Your assignment should be submitted on eClass as an attachment in .doc, .docx, or .pdf fomat.The total word count should be between 1000 and 1200.
Your assignment will be graded as follows:
·5 points for the accuracy of each candidate’s position/policies based on his/her philosophy/school of thought, for a total of 20 points
·5 points for spelling, grammar, clarity of expression, quality of writing, and overall impression