Write a 3-page paper detailing the fascinating world of the nervous system and brain structure. Provide a simplified yet comprehensive overview of how our brain and nerves work together to shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Provide relatable examples, real-life applications, and the significance of our nervous system to assist in our daily lives.
You will be submitting your paper online, found in the assignment. Submit your paper using Turnitin available within this assignment. Submit your paper in one of these formats: DOC or DOCX. If you need assistance with the Turnitin feature, contact the Canvas Help Desk for instructions.
After submitting your paper in Turnitin, you will receive a similarity percentage. The percentage for this needs to be 20% or less. If you get a more than 20% result, revise your paper and resubmit. Again, I urge you not to wait until the last minute to submit your paper so that you can revise it if necessary.
The paper must be typed three total pages and double-spaced. It should identify a minimum of four (4) bibliographical references, be well-written, proofread, and grammatically accurate. The length of the paper is exactly three (3) full pages, not including the Title page and bibliography. Only on-time papers will be accepted.
Overall: 12pt New Times Roman, double-spaced, 1-inch margins
Title page: Include title, name, subject, date, and instructor’s name. (Is NOT included in your three pages.)
Content: An overview of how our brain and nerves work together to shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Provide relatable examples, real-life applications, and the significance of our nervous system to assist in our daily lives.
References (Is NOT included in your three pages.)
Proofread your paper for grammatical errors, clarity, coherence, and consistency. Consider seeking feedback from peers, instructors, or writing tutors to improve the quality of your paper.