Reflection Papers You will write a one-page (single-spaced) reflection paper that evaluates the method, argument, and contribution of the featured journal article of the week (featured articles are noted by an asterisks next to them in the reading). POS 4206 July 2, 2017 For these papers, your first objective is to show that you have read the material carefully. This does not mean going into great detail about every single point. In fact, given that you only have one (single-spaced) page, you will need to think very carefully about the parts of the reading on which you will focus. You should try to center on broad themes while remembering that you will have a chance during class discussion to further demonstrate that you have done all of the reading. Your second objective is to reflect on the reading and demonstrate an ability to think carefully about what it means. You might discuss: (1) critical limitations of the study and how they could be improved; (2) the broad implications of the findings; and/or (3) how the readings relate to other scholarship with which you are familiar. Obviously you are welcome to discuss other things that come to mind beyond this list, but if you do as much (or discuss other topics we talk about in class), please be sure to include citations (for more information on how to properly format citations, see both APSA Style Guidelines and hrefhttp://www.citationmachine.net/americanpolitical-science-associationAPSA Citation Machine ). Citations must be in this format (parenthetical in-text citations with the bibliography on a separate page at the end of the paper)!