According to a recent report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the number of organized hate groups in the US has reached a record high of 917 (up from 892 in 2015). While theories abound about why hate is on the rise, it tends to correlate with the anti-government movement.
From the documentary website:
“OKLAHOMA CITY traces the events — including the deadly encounters between American citizens and law enforcement at Ruby Ridge and Waco — that led [Timothy] McVeigh to commit the worst act of domestic terrorism in American history. With a virulent strain of anti-government anger still with us, the film is both a cautionary tale and an extremely timely warning.”
Oklahoma City
link for the video:
Response Questions
Why does the documentary begin with the events of Ruby Ridge, Idaho and the Branch Dividians in Waco, Texas? Why are these events significant to what happened in Oklahoma City in 1995?
Who was Timothy McVeigh?
What was McVeigh’s motive for carrying out the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building?
How does the Oklahoma City Bombing and the motive behind it compare to other acts of terrorism you’ve heard about? How is it similar to and different from what happened on 9/11?
Do you agree that convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh should have been put to death for what he did? Why/why not?
What lesson/s can you draw from the documentary??