lan and create the shell of your diversity and inclusion handbook. You may use whatever tools you see fit.
Remember, this handbook is to be utilized as a resource for your organization, so make sure you create something that is relevant to your needs.
Part 1 consists of the following:
· Cover Page: Design a cover page that is relevant to your needs. Use the company logo, or something that represents you and your teams at work.
· Purpose: Explain the purpose for this project. Build off the topics discussed in this module and explain the importance for having a diversity handbook in your organization, and what people can gain from using it.
· Biographies: For each member in your team, write a 1-2 paragraph biography.
· Design Scheme: Ensuring Content is ascetically pleasing.
In this module you will work in your groups to complete the first section, including: Cover Page, Purpose, Group Biographies, Document Design Scheme.
Later you will add sections titled:
· Hiring Strategies (Part 2 – Due week 4)
· Strategies for Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace (Part 3 – due week 6))
· Strategies for Managing Diverse Teams (Part 4- due week 8))
A page references, an Appendix, and any additional information necessary for your audience.
As you begin, make sure that your content is consistent with the other sections. Also, make sure that your audience is the main driver of your resource.