The goal of this project is to acquaint you with a family that is culturally different from the family that you have grown up in and to understand how various ideologies or cultural representations can shape a family’s and identity and values. Find an individual or a family who has either immigrated to the United States, whose parents have come from another society, who has adopted internationally, or who is visiting here, or who lives or has grown up in a same-sex relationship. Your interviewee should belong to what is currently considered an underrepresented group in the West (this can include members of various ethnic / racial groups, LGBTQ individuals or religious groups; if you are not sure, please check with Ashley). Interview at least one member of this family about an aspect of their family life that interests you and that seems different from yours. For example parenting, family customs, intergenerational relationships, dating, marriage, etc. Make up about 8-10 questions to ask them. In addition, read 2-3 articles in the academic literature on this topic, for example childrearing in Mexican
families or arranged marriages in India or the effect of same-sex marriage policies in the U.S. I shall explain how to find these articles in class. You are to write up your interview and observations, as well as a summary of your readings in a short paper. In your paper, identify at least one source of perceived strength of this family related to their cultural identity and a type of stress they may face. Please see the rubric for more details.
Your paper should NOT exceed 5 typed (double spaced) pages (NOT including the interview)
Attach a typed copy of your interview to the end of your paper.
Describe the interview: How you found that particular family, what you noticed, what they said, what are the most significant issues that they are facing, something interesting you learned about them.
Try to integrate your interview with the readings. This means that you should not just write up the interview and then have a separate paper about the readings. Instead, combine the two: for example, say “I found interesting that Sasha was enthusiastic about raising an adopted child from Honduras. According to (reference, 2014) most parents who adopt internationally, want…….
Describe a bit how the interview reflects what you have read about this group or topic – are there significant similarities or differences?
Make sure NOT to use the person’s real name – you want to protect their anonymity.
Rubric – Family Interview Paper
Rubric – Family Interview Paper
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContext
20.0 pts
focuses on same subject throughout, integrates argument about role of family in society and backs up argument with references from interview and reading
15.0 pts
Above Average
focuses on same subject throughout and clearly creates an argument about role of family with evidence from interview and articles
10.0 pts
focuses on same subject throughout, but integrates the topic with limited reference to interview, articles and text
5.0 pts
does not focus on the same subject, does not refer to interview and/or does not use material from text or lectures
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupportive Documentation
20.0 pts
a properly documented bibliography attached that includes 1 – 2 empirically based academic journal sources, with 3 – 5 citings correctly referenced in body of the text that correspond to the bibliography
15.0 pts
Above Average
a properly documented bibliography attached that includes at least 1 empirically based academic journal source and 2 – 3 citings correctly referenced in the body of the text that correspond to the bibliography
10.0 pts
a bibliography attached, although incorrectly documented, including at least 1 empirically based academic source, with 1-2 citings referenced in the body of the text that correspond to the bibliography
5.0 pts
no bibliography included, with no indication of using any empirically based academic journals, and no citings referenced throughout the body of the paper
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection
20.0 pts
includes comprehensive identification of similarities and differences of a family life aspect, comparing own family and interviewed family, with strong justification in relation to key concepts such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, social class, disability, national origin, and / or religious affiliation, Shows detailed understanding of role of global system and relation to key concepts
15.0 pts
Above Average
includes some identification of similarities and/or differences of a family life aspect, comparing own family and interviewed family, with limited justification to key concepts such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, social class, disability, national origin, and religious affiliation. Shows some understanding of role of global system and relation to key concepts
10.0 pts
includes vague identification of similarities and/or differences of a family life aspect, comparing own family and interviewed family, with no justification about concepts such as race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, social class, disability, national origin, and religious affiliation. Shows no understanding of role of global system and relation to key concepts
5.0 pts
does not identify and/or describe any similarities and/or differences of a family life aspect by using comparison(s) made between own family and family interviewed
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity
20.0 pts
very clear, coherent, comprehensive, well-organized (with introduction, body of text, and summary sections), and flows well and to the point
19.0 pts
clear, coherent, comprehensive, and organized (no identification of introduction, or body of text, and summary), reads somewhat choppy
5.0 pts
unclear, not coherent, difficult to comprehend, disorganized (includes no identification of introduction, body of text, or summary), and rambling
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation
20.0 pts
4 – 5 double-spaced typed pages with excellent grammar, spelling, sentence structure, almost no errors with punctuation , and consistent use of verb tense throughout body of paper
10.0 pts
excessively exceeds page requirement, and pages double-spaced, but occasional errors in grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and/or inconsistent use of verb tense
5.0 pts
insufficient number of pages, pages not typed or single-spaced, or paper contains multiple errors in grammar, spelling, poor sentence structure, or use of inconsistent verb tense
20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0