Directions for completion:
1. Read Chapter 14
2. For each of the classroom social situations below, describe:
o what emotions the children involved might be experiencing;
o how you would use the strategies presented in the text to help the children become more aware of their own feelings, the feelings of others;
o and how you would help them cope effectively with the situation.
3. Post your answers on the discussion board and pose a question or point of discussion that builds on our topic of discussion and provides an opportunity for an open forum and discourse with your classmates.
Classroom Social Situations
Manual and Damien are playing in the sandbox. Manuel wants Damien’s shovel, so he takes it. Damien begins to cry, but Manuel continues to play, unaffected. Damien comes running to you, saying, “He took my shovel!”
Latoya has been standing watching the others climbing the rock wall. It seems as if she’d like to join in yet makes no move to do so.
Tommy has a dilemma. He was just invited to a movie with Chuck, but his best friend, Mohammad, has not been asked to come and asks him to spend the night on the same date.
Your participation in discussion boards will be graded based on the rubric below.
Exceeds Expectations (10 points) Discussion questions and responses demonstrate critical thinking and clear understanding of readings in conjunction with discussion board expectations. Demonstrates connections from previous readings and understanding of major themes. Discussion comments provide an opportunity for an open forum and discourse with your classmates. Students have exceeded the minimum requirements of discussion board posts and contributions.
Meets Expectations
(9 points) Discussion questions and responses understanding of readings in conjunction with discussion board expectations. Discussion comments and responses provide an opportunity for an open forum and discourse with your classmates. Students have met the minimum requirements of discussion board posts and contributions.
Needs Improvement (6-8 points) Discussion questions and responses can be improved by critically analyzing the material and showing comprehension of the material. Responses may need to be expanded/developed to demonstrate critical thinking/understanding of content. Students have met most of the minimum requirements of discussion board posts and contributions.
Below Expectations (0-5 points) Discussion questions and responses suggest that readings or required content has not previously been completed. Students may use inappropriate or insensitive language. Significant requirements for participation are missing either in original discussion board posts or in contributions.