Part 1: One Page Pick someone on the list and discuss why you chose to follow that particular group or individual. Also post what infographic program you are thinking about using for the “social Issue interview/inforgraphic assignment and who you have interviewed. Part 2: One Page Design a one page infographic to summarize the information gained in your research and interview. The infographic must include the following elements: (a) the issue, (b) relevant background, (c) at least one current barrier to advocacy and social justice in each context and identified as such (social, environmental, political and economic), (d) at least two specific policy actions you could take to help overcome barriers and achieve social justice, (e) the name, title and credentials/agency of the individual you interviewed. Youtube video for infographic program (I am certain you can find others if you look)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nShmwzh879g