What is the Value of the Census? What are some of the myths?
Discuss the Coronavirus Virus/Pandemic. Discuss/compare this to the Great Depression, for example. For those who are more oriented to the “macro issues”, focus the governments response (federal, state). What measures are in place and are we headed to a recession /depression? What does that mean? If “macro or micro” what about the loss of income, business challenges, unemployment, childcare/home schooling, food insecurity, death/illness, social distancing. isolation and it’s impact, family challenges.
* 7- 9 pages to include separate cover and work cited (Work cited – more than 2 sources please)
* 5 – 7 pages of meaningful content – can include visual, power point or other mediums
Conclusion should include a summary if you have the power to make a difference. Speculative roles for social workers in this new environment?