Instructions: Google Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) / disability rights (legislation/laws)
Among your search sites will be .gov sites, which will actually provide the legal statutes, along with more digestible versions of those statutes. Other downloads, such as “A Guide to Disability Rights Laws” put out by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section (see most recent version), provide more easily readable summaries of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other statutes that constitute the range of equal rights protections towards persons with disabilities, according to the U.S. government.
(NOTE: You can access and download the original (and current) actual legislation by going to the appropriate websites. For example, ada.gov will take you to Americans with Disabilities Act – in legalese – which is over 900 pages, so you probably don’t want to print it!).
After reading through the ADA and its various statutes Address the points listed below. You may answer in bulleted fashion, but make sure your answers are following the outline provided. Please type your answers (double-spaced; 3-5 pages max).
1. Summarize the ADA, its various statutes, and, other statutes linked to the ADA.
• How is disability defined or operationalized?
• Briefly, describe what each of the ADA titles and the other Acts address. What rights, services, etc., are protected by each of the ADA titles (four of them) and the other 9 Acts in the document?
• OR, What are the various areas impacted by the different pieces of legislation?
2. How is your placement doing, with regard to compliance with ADA regulations?
Based on your observations, experiences, and/or other sources of information thus far, address the following. (Be specific about “other sources of information”.)
• In what areas is the placement doing a good job in complying with ADA?
• In what area(s) does the placement need improvement in complying with ADA? Explain in appropriate detail.
• Pick at least two of the ADA statutes, and discuss in detail how they apply to the population served by your field placement.