Thе subject is Prоfessional Identitу as a teacher in Earlу Learning Context and the course is Early Childhood Education (birth to 5 years ). Develoр a portfolio of resources that will support you in your role as Early Childhood teachers.Provide a reflective statement to suuport the inclusion and potential use of each element of the portfolio.The expectations is that the Learning outcomes ( see the file )of this unit guide each student!s selection of resources and accompanying reflective statement , and that the analysis should demonstrate what you have learnt as a professional during this unit and why .Your analysis must include annoyed references to the resources in the portfolio and to the relevant literature that helps you constract your analysis. Note 1: in preparation for this assignment, you are required to complete reflections upon each of the resources chosen in relation to the unit content . The next step is to analyse your own reflection with regard to the reading and research you have done in relation to the focus topic.Remember, you are not limiting yourself to WHAT you are learning but WHY it is making a difference to you .You then need to analyse all of you reflection , and decide which ideas have been most important to you .Your reflections and their analysis are on going. Note2:Please , use an annotation system to indicate the section of a particular resource to which you refer .This makes analysis easier to understand and helps you with the world count . No more than 4 resources . Part 1 Portofio Part 2Reflective statement ! Reflect critical on each resource why you chose the resource ; a summary of resource Talk about the resource because it’s linked to ( leadership advocacy if that’s what you chosen).. why is linked to unit outcome linked them to ubitboutline and assessment criteria Critical reflect and linked to your identity Ex of resource : NORTHCOT ( resource on inclusion) EARLY CHILDHOOD AUSTRALIA etc