This task requires you to attend and observe the Magistrates, District or Supreme CRIMINAL (not civil) Court in your area for a period of approximately 3 hours. Based on your observations, the material covered in the unit (lectures, tutorials, readings), and with reference to relevant academic sources, answer ALL THREE of the following questions: Question 1: In 300 words you are to log your observations of the activities of the court: BRIEFLY: • describe the court hearings that you observed and include which court you went to: e.g. Brisbane District Court • the date you attended • the number of the hearings/trials you observed • the type of hearings/trials you observed e.g. committal hearing, sentencing hearing. IMPORTANT: Use RELEVANT ACADEMIC SOURCES to guide your description (The textbook is a good place to start). Question 2: In 600 words you are to answer the following question, with reference to RELEVANT ACADEMIC SOURCES and from your own observations: Would you say that the court you observed reflected a crime control or due process model of justice or a combination of the two? Include your reasons as to WHY you believe it is one or the other or both from your OWN OBSERVATIONS, provide examples to justify and support your reasoning (Chapter 17 of the textbook will be helpful here). Question 3: In 600 words you are to answer the following question, with reference to RELEVANT ACADEMIC SOURCES and from your own observations: Would you say that the court you observed reflected elements of therapeutic jurisprudence (or restorative justice)? (Choose ONE of either therapeutic jurisprudence or restorative justice. You should NOT discuss both.) Include your reasons as to WHY you believe it did or did not reflect elements of therapeutic jurisprudence/restorative justice from your OWN OBSERVATIONS, provide examples to justify and support your reasoning.