Please write a memo according to the topic. The memo needs to be directed to the key person(s) in charge of the particular department/division/branch that your suggestion is made for.
You should begin with a brief introduction that familiarizes your instructor with the necessary background information of your proposal (e.g., the nature of the business, the department, the person involved, the current status…). Then, you may start by addressing the appropriate audience.
Please utilize the communication, negotiation, persuasion, and writing skills from the sources to enrich the content and enhance the quality of your writing. Your writing should be able to demonstrate ways to assess the effectiveness of the proposed measures/actions for achieving the change.
Part 1 – Background introduction of the issue to your instructor (half to one page); Part 2 – The Memo.
It is graded with the following criteria, please take into consideration:
1) Demonstration of audience awareness in the content as well as in writing style.
2) Correct understanding and use of communication and persuasion skills (the three-part framework) as demonstrated in your writing.
3) The persuasiveness of your message.
4) Clear, coherent, and concise writing.
5) Absence of grammatical and spelling errors.