DecisionMaking and problemSolving for this assignment, I need to identify a problem that I currently face and use the concepts of logical decisionmaking to generate solutions. (1000 to 1100 total words please) 1 list the 4 keys for logical decisionmaking. 2 Identify a problem you need to solve (identify and describe below a problem you are facing that is within your control to solve. Be sure to include enough detail so your faculty member has enough context to determine if the solutions provided later in the worksheet are appropriate. 80100 words) 3 list two potential failures that can occur when identifying alternative solutions. (50 to 75 words) 4 keeping in mind the need to avoid the potential challenges you identified in #3 above, create three possible solutions for solving the problem you are facing. Solution #1 (50 words) Solution #2 (50 words) Solution# 3 (50 words) 5 Evaluate identified solutions. One way to determine which solution is best is to list advantages and disadvantages of each potential solution. As you consider the advantages and disadvantages for each solution, think carefully about the positive and negative consequences of implementing each. Briefly describe at least two advantages and two disadvantages for each solution. SOLUTION #1 ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES (40 to 50 words) (40 to 50 words) 1. (40 to 50 words) 2. (40 to 50 words) 2. SOLUTION #2 ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES (40 to 50 words) 1. (40 to 50 words) 1. (40 to 50 words) 2. (40 to 50 words) 2. SOLUTION #3 ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES (40 to 50 words)
1. (40 to 50 words) 1. (40 to 50 words) 2. (40 to 50 words) 2. 6 Rank identified solutions Think about the advantages and disadvantages you listed in the table above. Rank your solutions from (1) most effective to (3) least effective. RANK ENTER SOLUTION # from TABLE ABOVE # 1 (most effective) #2 (not as effective) #3 (least effective) 7 Explain why you ranked your solutions the way you did. Discuss why your highest ranked solution is the best way to the solve problem and why the others are less effective solutions. (80100 words)