This Research Paper will consist of two parts. The first part is the annotated outline which is the framework of the second part of this Research Paper project and will include most, if not all of the references used for the Research Paper. The Annotated Outline should be included as a separate document. The second part of this assignment is the Research Paper itself. (A SAMPLE of how the Annotated Outline will be formatted is attached separately). For the Research Paper, write a 4,200 word paper on the topic: “Dealing with Mental Illness as a Societal Disorder” that focuses on (1) Identifying the main issue to be examined, (2) Providing a brief explanation of the problem or issue (3) Explaining how this topic is related to the learning outcomes related to Public Policy topics and (4) Explaining how the topic is related to and affects criminal justice. The paper requires a minimum of ten (10) different sources/resources/references not limited to articles, books, magazines, websites, titles and other references. It must be typewritten, double spacedstandard margins, and strictly follow the APA style format and must be written on a GRADUATE level that goes beyond the obvious. It must be cited properly and written strictly according to APA style guidelines. No previously submitted papers, articles, reports or projects, in whole or part, to any university or college will be accepted. No more than 15% of the entire document can be quoted. REMEMBER: The Research Paper is comprised of two parts: the Annotated Outline and the Research Paper. A grading RUBRIC for the Annotated Outline is also attached separately.