Students will thoroughly examine a population focused populations health issue, from both an
epidemiological and ecological perspective. There are three phases to the project.
Phase I – Data
Gathering: will include a scope of the problem gathering relevant epidemiological data as well as
looking at the ecological perspective. An appropriate epidemiological model will be linked to this
phase to explain the data.
Phase II – Analysis and Synthesis: students will critically analyze and
synthesize collected data leading to the identification of a primary risk for a target population.
Phase III – Program Design: students will design a primary prevention health care program with
the goal of decreasing exposure of the target population to the risk and considering how the
program will function within the current health care environment. A health promotion model will
be described as it works to support the program. An evaluation method will be included as part of
the program plan.
phase I – Data Gathering: This phase will include a
scope of the problem using a relevant epidemiological model, as well as looking at the
epidemiological and ecological perspective of the issue (social, economic, political and ethical).
This may be laid out in a narrative format or bullets etc.
Data Gathering Criteria:
1. Epidemiological perspective:
o Occurrence of the problem (morbidity – prevalence, incidence)
o Severity of the problem (mortality – incidence)
o Look at demographics: gender, gender, education, income,
geographic areas where most prevalent
o Surveillance methods
o Current efforts to relieve the problem & the efficacy of these
o Explain within and epidemiological model.
. Ecological perspective (a multi-dimensional perspective that looks beyond health).
o Political aspects (health policies, political interests that may be
factors in increasing this issue.
o How does income level effects on the issue?
o What are social & cultural effects on the issue that may lead to
increased risk?
o What are the environmental effects on this issue that may lead to
increased risk?
Students should use a variety of resources to explore this population health issue at either a
global, national, or local/county level using any sanctioned web sites, government reports and
research studies. (See required resources for total project in grading rubric: minimum of 15).
Phase II: Analysis and Synthesis Students will
critically analyze all data collected during Phase I. Synthesis of data will ultimately lead to the
identification of a primary risk for a population. This process may be reported in a narrative
format, chart or schematic.
Analysis and Synthesis Criteria
1. Review your ecological and epidemiological findings; search the details of facts as they
stand alone.
2. Cluster data into meaningful information
3. Synthesize clusters of information identifying at least 3 risks related to the issue and
fitting target population
4. Prioritize risks reducing to one primary risk that you will address
*Analyzing is taking the data apart and looking at each piece as it stands alone.
*Clustering is taking like data and grouping it together (ex. weakness, stairs, age 94)
*Synthesizing begins with the clustering when putting data back together into something that makes sense
to the desired outcome. In this project that is looking for risks. From the cluster example cluster above
one might conclude that a risk could be falls.
*Prioritizing is taking the three identified risks and deciding which is of highest importance.
Phase III: Program Design Students will design a
primary prevention health care program with the goal of decreasing exposure of the target
population to the risk considering how the program will function within the current health care
Program Design Criteria:
1. Program title
2. Target population
3. Priority risk that will be targeted for reduction by this program
. Explain briefly a fitting health promotion/prevention model that guides this program
5. List two formal Goals for the program & three Objectives for each goal (goals should
have a time frame. Objectives should be issue or participant centered, have a time frame and be
measurable. See Bloom’s taxonomy for measurable verbs.
6. Relate the vision of the program as it will be (core components) including:
a. Location of the program
b. Key players to maintain the program and implement it
c. Day to day functions, activities etc. How it works
d. Accessibility, availability, affordability of the program
7. Budget and funding
8. Evaluating the program’s outcome based on the set goals and objectives.
Be creative! Think out of the box! Use your community members and other stakeholders!
1. Mini progress reports (Check Ins) may be shared with the professor in special discussion
forums during weeks 2, 4, 6.
o A short, written report will be submitted to the professor including information
related to the criteria for the check in.
o This may be 1 page or 500 to 600 words and should be written into the discussion
not attached as a word document. Bulleted points are fine.
o It is not a paper but a communication with the professor about the project.
o The Professor will provide feedback on the phases if submitted in the Check In
2. During week 8 students will present their overall issue to fellow students and the
professor in a Voice Thread. For details see presentation guidelines. Include:
o Brief description of selected issue
o Describe an epidemiological model that links.
o Overview of Phase I Epidemiological and Ecological data (data only).
o Explanation of Phase II analysis and synthesis process with demonstration of
three clusters of data leading to the primary risk, and rationale for decision of
primary risk.
o Overview of Program Design including all aspects of the plan & appropriate
health promotion/prevention model.
o Includes References Slide (s) minimum of 15, citations on slides as
o Concluding statement