What are the premises of the cultural differences argument? How does cultural relativism imply infallibility, the unlikelihood of disagreement, and the impossibility of moral progress?
What is the empirical theory known as psychological egoism? Do you think it is or is not a good explanation of human behavior? How does it relate to ethical egoism?
What is meant by Mill’s quote, “Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied?” Who, according to Mill, gets to decide this?
Explain these key terms from Kant: the good will, categorical imperative, hypothetical imperative, maxim, universal law, (people are) ends in themselves.
Recall the thought experiment about Anne Frank. Imagine that in 1944 you own the house where the young Anne Frank and her family are hiding from the Nazis, and the Nazis ask you if anyone lives there. You can lie and save Anne and her family from death in a concentration camp, or you can tell the truth and doom them. What would Kant have you do in this situation? What would Mill have you do? Which response do you think is better?