discuss the challenges/issues which faced that given administration. For example,
you may choose Kennedy and the “Cuban Missile Crisis” as one of your 3 issues. It
is expected that you cover the problem completely, the challenge, the “hat” or
role the President played (this is where it is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you read
your book to understand the various roles – both constitutional and extraconstitutional the President plays).
Choose ONE Presidential administration to write your paper. It will grade it based
on the coverage of each of the 3 issues you outline, the coverage you give in
terms of the role the president had to play in dealing with the challenge, and your
understanding of how the President must work with the Congress and the
Bureaucracy to bring these problems/crises to a conclusion. Please be very
thorough. There is NO MAXIMUM to this assignment. What I will be looking for is
your understanding of the role the president played and how they worked with
the other branches and departments of government in solving it.