Assessment Individual project (100% of total mark) 3,000 words Deadline Friday 8 December Q. Critically evaluate the barriers and enablers of entrepreneurial activity in terms of the people, processes, and structures of an organization of your choosing. How can these barriers be reduced? a. In order to answer this question you are expected to collect and analyse PRIMARY data from an organization or startup of your choosing through interviews or through questionnaire distribution. Your interview questions, questionnaire and analysis should be derived from lecture material and relevant academic reading. b. Report format (it is a mini research project) c. Support your argument with relevant academic theory as well as practical examples. Wider reading tends to be associated with higher marks. d. You must include your interview questions and/or questionnaire in the appendix. e. You must include your ethics form in the appendix. f. For interviews you must include blank versions of your participant information sheet, and consent form in the appendix. g. For questionnaires you must include your project summary in the appendix. h. An electronic copy must be uploaded to LEARN where it will also be checked for plagiarism. IMPORTANT NOTES ON CONDUCTING RESEARCH AND ETHICS All researchers are expected to abide by certain procedures, including ethical procedures, in order to protect themselves and their research participants. For example: · No research on vulnerable people · No children under 18 · Take appropriate precautions, e.g. Meet in public place/office if possible for interviews [Risk Assessment] For ALL Primary Research o Risk Assessment (ON LEARN) Read it o Ethics Checklist (On LEARN) Complete prior to beginning research and notify module leader only if FULL ethical approval is needed. For Interviews o Create your own Participant Information Sheet (example on LEARN), and make sure that ALL interviewees receive a copy. Create your own Informed Consent Form (example ON LEARN) to be signed by you and your interviewee before the interview. For Questionnaires o You can’t always meet your participants facetoface but you must still inform them of what you are doing and why. Create your own Project Summary (example on LEARN).