General Guidelines:
For this assignment you need to adequately answer the following question below using both the assigned readings and your critical thinking skills.
All responses must be typed and conform to the following format: 12 PT. font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins (on all sides), double-spaced. Your response must be at least 300+ words.
Only “.doc” and “.docx” file extensions (Microsoft Word) may be uploaded into Canvas. No other file types are permitted.
Responses should be written in paragraph form (do not use bullet-points!) and should be long enough to explore the topic thoroughly.
Both accuracy and creativity will be taken into account during the grading process. Writing style and structure are also key elements that will partly determine your grade. Please refer to the rubric at the bottom of the page for more details on how your response will be graded.
No outside sources are to be used for this assignment. Furthermore, the information you present should be taken exclusively from the assigned reading and your understanding of the reading. ONLY cite the assigned article/chapter. Do not cite the module notes, screencast videos or other chapters/articles not listed in this assignment!
Be sure to reference and cite the material directly (and substantially).
*Note- all citations must follow the ASA style guide in order to receive full points. Click HERE for more detail on how to cite your source work!
*Important: Your response must include direct or indirect reference/citation of the required material (i.e. the chapter listed below).
Failure to cite the specified reading is defined as plagiarism and will result in a grade of zero.
*No works cited page/bibliography is required for this assignment.
Point Value = 10 points
*Note- a 5-point penalty will be assessed for any assignment submitted past the stated deadline. Assignments submitted more than 24 hours after the deadline will not be accepted for credit.
Which reading is included on this assignment?
1) Agger (2004)- chapter three (online)
1) Agger (2004) chapter 3: According to Agger, the assumption that postmodernists deny the existence of “truth” is a myth. Using information from the chapter, explain why this is a myth. As you craft your argument, please use the NASA space shuttle example and the death penalty example from the chapter. As sociologists seek out answers to our questions (or the “truth”), how does Agger envision the role of “methods” (or methodology) in this process?