1. Introduction • Introduce topic and explain, why you choose this topic? • Why this topic matters? • What changes would you expect as a result of inclusion significant others? • PICO Question? Needs to be intelligible (all 150 words) Here is the PICO question P= Adult with hearing loss (presbycusis) who fitted with hearing aids I= involving significant others C= not involving significant others O= change of perception in the level of awareness of the significant other and the level of support the patient receives Here is the question that we need to answer using the selected articles (we must critique all the articles please base on the question??? ‘Adult with hearing loss (Presbycusis) who fitted with hearing aids, involving significant others, not involving significant others, change of perception in the level of awareness of the significant other and the level of support the patient receives?’ 2. Search strategy (200 words) I have done this so don’t worry please edit it only?? • • Here we need to explain the search strategy? Must be replicated • • And we must use only experimental studies • • Plan of the search strategy • • Which data base have been used • • What search terms • • How many article found initially and how many eliminated or used and why? 3. Selection Why this articles selected? (100 words) 4. . Critical analysis (critique the selected articles) (1250 words) • We have to critically appraisal the selected articles • This part is very important Critical thinking: • We really need to understand what we are critiquing? • What does the qualitative study tell us and the experimental and the observation? • Please I will be assed on: organisations and structure, scope of review, depth of review and logic and coherence we must comment on the strength of the articles (please this section is really important) 5. Take home message (what I have learned?) (250 words) 6. Conclusion (quality of research) (100 words)