Each of the critical analysis questions listed below are located in the textbook. Please answer each question individually in paragraphs, being sure to include the questions themselves in your responses. Some questions may require more in-depth and detailed responses than others, but each response you supply will be evaluated according to the degree to which you defend your views and support them with appropriate examples, illustrations, and/or connections to assigned readings and other course materials. The degree to which you demonstrate attention to careful editing and proofreading (including grammar, spelling, word choice, and sentence structure) will also be evaluated.When you are doing the critical analysis questions, there are some instructions at the beginning that cover what the expectations are for these. Please make sure you are reading over those instructions prior to submitting your work. Please keep the following in mind when doing your homework:
1. To do these correctly, you need to borrow concepts from the textbook at a minimum and include those within the context of your answer. This needs to be done for each response, and you will also need in-text citations within the responses as well indicating where the borrowed information came from.
2. You are free to borrow concepts from the internet if you wish, but please stay away from blogs and Wikipedia.
3. You will also need to cite those resources as well in the context of your sentences that contain the borrowed information, and then include a reference for them in the references section at the end of your homework.
*4. When you are providing your responses, please stay away from very short responses. This is your opportunity to share with me what you learned. So if you are providing me with incredibly short/brief answers, I do not have as much to go on to know how much you really learned from the chapter readings.
5. Finally, the homework needs to be done like any other homework assignment. Label the chapter you are working on first, then the number you are working on, then your answer. So please do not write this like an essay.
Chapter 8
Questions 1-5, 9-12 (pp. 169-170)
Chapter 9
Questions 1-3, 5, 11, 13-16 (p. 194)
Chapter 10
Questions 3-7, 9-13 (p. 214)