In this assignment, you will create a research question to add to your ePortfolio.
In your final course in the criminal justice program, you will create a research question that you will then investigate further. To assist you in this task, we will provide a list of current research topics covered in each course and ask you to submit for instructor feedback at least one research question based on a topic covered in that course. Using the topics listed below (or others covered in this course), create one to three research questions and submit them to your instructor.
This research question assignment is graded based on completion, and instructor feedback should help you strengthen your questions for future use.
.Organizational hierarchy and jurisdictions within the U.S. judicial system
.Roles and responsibilities of those participating in the judicial system (judges, prosecution, defense, allied professionals, etc.)
.Court processes and procedures, pretrial through sentencing
.The role of juries in the criminal court process
.Impact of U.S. Supreme Court decisions on criminal justice policy and professional practice
.Living conditions for incarcerated individuals, especially juveniles
.Steps that can be taken to avoid wrongful convictions
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Submit one to three research questions based on a topic covered in this course.
What to Submit
This assignment must be completed in a written format.
The following are some examples of research questions built from topics, subtopics, and issues/problems:
Sample Research Questions
Environment Global Warming Global Warming in the United States What can the United States do to identify and prevent global warming?
William Shakespeare King Lear King Lear and the theme of betrayal How could the character of King Lear change the outcome of betrayal in the play?
Censorship Internet Internet and China How will China’s efforts to censor the Internet affect its citizens?
Whales Minke whales Minke whales and extinction What factors have contributed to the Minke whale depopulation?