In this assignment, you will explore how laws can limit or rely on discretion, and how aspects of an agency’s culture can influence discretion.
In Module Four, you learned about aspects of discretionary laws. In this module, you learned how discretion is influenced by an agency’s culture. You will now apply this knowledge to the topic of domestic violence. This information will help you prepare for submission of Project Three, due in Module Eight.
First, review the Project Three Instructions and Rubric document and familiarize yourself with the elements of the project. Next, review the Project Three Scenario PDF document that ties directly to the project. Then, research the Rhode Island statutes regarding domestic violence. The following resources will assist you as you begin your research:
Reading: Title 12: Criminal Procedure, Chapter 12-29: Domestic Violence Protection Act
Reading: Rhode Island Judiciary: Domestic Violence Training and Monitoring Unit (Click on the links on the left side for more information.)
Consider how domestic violence laws affect discretionary decision making in domestic violence situations. Also, consider how, as a law enforcement officer, your agency’s culture may affect the discretionary decision-making process in response to domestic violence situations. Use these rubric criteria as headings to format your writing:
Summary of Statute
In your own words, summarize the Rhode Island Domestic Violence Protection Act. Be sure to properly cite the source in APA style.
Statute and Discretion
How may the Rhode Island Domestic Violence Protection Act affect discretionary decision making in domestic violence situations?
Does it limit discretion, or rely on it?
Agency’s Culture
Describe aspects of a law enforcement agency’s culture that may influence the discretionary decision-making process in domestic violence situations.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Summarize the Rhode Island Domestic Violence Protection Act.
Explain how the Rhode Island Domestic Violence Protection Act may affect discretionary decision making in domestic violence situations.
Describe aspects of a law enforcement agency’s culture that may influence the discretionary decision-making process in domestic violence situations.