Discussion Post: What are the rules of evidence in regard to collection and storage of evidence? Also, how can an investigator save fingerprints?
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Peer response 1 (Jaria): Proper collection of evidence and storage of evidence require adherence to specific rules and procedures. It is important to document the crime scene thoroughly, maintain strict chain of custody, preserve the evidence properly, and label and seal it appropriately. When it comes to saving fingerprints, investigators use techniques like powder dusting, chemical enhancement, lifting, and even photography. Trained professionals should handle these processes to ensure the accuracy and the integrity of the case.
Boden, W. C. (1976). Necessary precautions for the preservation of evidence. Necessary Precautions for the Preservation of Evidence | Office of Justice Programs. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/necessary-precautions-preservation-evidence#:~:text=The%20five%20steps%20recommended%20by,to%20the%20laboratory%3B%20and%20(5
Peer Response 2 (Chelsea): The rules of evidence as described by the OJP are making sure the evidence is obtained legally, describing it in detailed notes, identifying it accurately, packaging it properly for identification, storage, or shipment to the laboratory, and establishing a chain of custody. An investigator needs to have the proper equipment such as a vacuum sweeper, containers, tools, magnifiers, casting equipment, and ultraviolet light equipment. This way they have the proper equipment to correctly save a fingerprint or prints from a crime scene. It is very important that they do this properly because it will make the prints easier to identify in the lab.