Step 1: Create a Visual Mind Map
Use the brainstorming concept of a mind map to help you flesh out what is important to you as a creative leader. Consider the following questions when creating your mind map:
· What are some words that describe your approach as a creative? What are some words that describe your approach as a creative leader?
· What do you value as a creative? What is important to you?
· What do you value in leadership? What is important to you?
· What always guides your creativity? What guides the way you lead?
· Who inspires you creatively? Who inspires you as a leader? What is it about them that you want to emulate in your own style?
Step 2: 333 Words
In 333 words, describe your philosophy as a creative leader. You are allowed to have 20 plus or minus 20 words. Please ensure you stay within the limits as that is the main point of this exercise.
Step 3: 33 Words
Describe a condensed version of your philosophy here. You are allowed to have 5 plus or minus 5 words. This should summarize the statement above. It should not be an excerpt from the statement above.
Step 4: 3 Words
In 3 words, describe your philosophy as a designer. Only. Three. Words.
Submit your mind map and your three versions of your creative leadership philosophy in one document.