There are two parts contains in this assignment. Please separate different files for each part.(Assignment 3: Document A to G)
Part 01
1. Create a project plan for your previous assignment (Assignment 3).
2. This will be the “Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)” for your kitchen renovation project.
3. The Project Plan (WBS) should have the following columns.
A. Column ID (Outline Number): The number for each task (1., 2., 3., 3.1., 3.2., 4., 4.1., 4.2., 5., ….).
B. Task: The Activity that needs to happen.
C. Duration: The duration needed to complete that task.
D. Start: Task Start Date (& Time (if time is needed)).
E. End: Task End Date (& Time (if time is needed)).
F. Predecessor: The ID of the task that this task depends on.
For example, If task 8 depends on task 6, you will put 6 in this column for task 8).
G. Resource: The resources used for this task.
Generally the name of the people responsible for completing that task.
For example, Ben and Jerry are the resources, if they are responsible for the task of installing the kitchen cabinets.
H. Cost: The cost for that task.
Have ave separate columns for Fixed Cost, Labor, and Total Cost (Cost)
4. At the top of your project plan, add the following four rows containing the following information.
Project: Project Title
Project Manager: Your Name (ISDS 351 – Sec 02)
Project Dates: Duration (Start Date – End Date)
Project Budget: $XX,XXX.xx
5. Upload the resulting Excel document
Part 02
Upload your final Microsoft Word document to Titanium.
Using all the information you have gathered so far through assignments 3 & 4, you will create the project charter for your Renovation project.
Create the Project Charter.
1. You will be creating the Charter for your Kitchen Renovation project. (Word doc)
– Assignment 3 should provide you some of the needed information (e.g., Q&A, Requirements, Assumptions, Success Criteria, Stakeholders)
– Assignment 4 should give you the project budget and project duration and timeframe.
2. Make sure to upload your Microsoft Word document