Issue area of focus: Covid-19 and the criminal justice system
In a creative way, you are persuading your audience to become emotionally invested in the issue of Covid-19 and the criminal justice system. Review the example journalistic-style position papers (updated) posted on our website.
Final Paper Requirements
We know that it is necessary to include the following aspects in our argument –
Problem statement/thesis
Evidence, statistics, case study
Your argument
Recommendations: Action plan
Always remember the reader – a person who is unfamiliar with the significance of this issue
Be sure to include your name
Title your paper (be creative and think outside of the bos)
11-12 font size
Use page numbers
Include images to help support your argument
800-1000 word count [the paper is short because you are working to persuade the reader of an issue]
Note the word count on the top right corner of your first page
Minimum of 4 references
Minimum of 1 peer-reviewed publication (from the years 2010 – 2020)
APA Reference list required
Should include mass/public media articles, audio/video reference, peer-reviewed article
APA In-text citations required or you will be cited for plagiarism
Include images
Visit our Resources webpage for an abundance of helpful news media websites
Helpful Tips
Visit the Final Project Resources webpage for additional resources and tips
Google is your friend – use it to search for example papers, media articles, APA formatting questions…
Reach out to me if you would like a 1-on-1 consultation. Schedule a time to meet here: https://calendly.com/shdavis-
Title the sections of your paper (i.e. use headings and subheadings to organize your paper)
Consider your audience, organization of the paper, argument, counterargument, transitional words
Review the example position papers (posted on our website)
Refer to the Position Paper Grading Rubric to ensure that your paper meets the specified criteria
It is important to ensure that you are (1) addressing all sides of the issue and (2) presenting it in a manner that is easy for your audience to understand.
Your job is to take one side of an argument and persuade the audience that you are well informed on the topic. In order to meet this objective, you will need to rely on peer reviewed academic publications and empirical evidence.