Homework: Correlation and Regression Assignment Instructions
This Homework: Correlation & Regression Assignment is designed to assess your understanding of the concepts and applications covered thus far in this course. In this moduele, you have looked at the second goal of science – prediction, which aligns with our second most powerful research method – correlations and regression. These concepts, SPSS applications, and how to present conclusions in APA format will further develop your ability to understand and evaluate data as a consumer in a data-laden world as well as within our field. It also assesses your ability to analyze and present predictive research in the field of psychology.
Be sure you have reviewed this module’s Learn section before completing this Homework: Correlation & Regression Assignment. This Homework: Correlation & Regression Assignment is worth 60 points. All questions are worth 3 points each. Six points are awarded for mechanics/structure.
· Part I contains general concepts from this module’s assigned readings and presentations.
· Part II requires use of SPSS. You will have to take screen shots and/or copy and paste from your SPSS to place answers within this file. Make sure you only insert relevant and legible images.
· Part III is the cumulative section. These may include short answer and/or use of SPSS but will review material from previous module(s).
· Directions for each subsection are provided in the top of each table (in the gray shaded areas). Answers should be placed where indicated (wherever there is “ ANSWER”).
· Submit the file as a WORD document (.doc or .docx). Make sure the filename of your submission includes your full name, course and section.
· Example: HW5_JohnDoe_510B01
Make sure to check the Homework Grading Rubric before you begin this Homework: Correlation & Regression Assignment.
Part I: General Concepts
These questions are based on the concepts covered in this module’s assigned readings and presentations.
You find a partial report of a study that investigated the relationship between self-esteem and depression. You see they conducted a one-tailed Pearon’s r correlation with 52 people, and that the r = -0.25. Answer the following questions based on this result.
Calculate / report the following:
a. Coefficient of determination
b. degrees of freedom
c. critical r value (use the ebook appendix for the critical value and do not round).
(make sure to keep labels a, b, and c!)
Write up the results using complete sentences. Make sure to include the full statistical notation and a decision about the null hypothesis.
State what a researcher would conclude and what is actually true if a Type I error were committed in this scenario. (Note this requires two statements – 1) what the researcher concludes and 2) what is true for the population.)
Imagine a study finds a significant positive relationship between IQ and SAT scores. If a journalist made an error in causality when writing about this relationship, what would they be claiming / concluding based on this scenario (one sentence is sufficient)?
State what a researcher would conclude and what is actually true if a Type II error were committed in regards to a correlational study on IQ and SAT scores. (Note this requires two statements – 1) what the researcher concludes and 2) what is true for the population.)
Scenario: A professor wants to examine whether being an athlete is associated with retention at their college. She finds that the research is contradictory – some research suggests it may improve retention but other research suggests it has no effect. She operationally defines athletic status as YES or NO, and retention as a self-report question (scale of 0 – 100% likelihood of coming back the next term).
What is the null hypothesis in this scenario (use a complete sentence)? Is it one- or two-tailed?
What type of correlational analysis is most appropriate and why?
Part II: SPSS Application
These questions require the use of SPSS. Remember you must submit all of your work within this word document. You will need to take a screen shot of your data view if necessary, or copy and paste your output into the spaces below. Remember to report the exact p value provided by SPSS output – simply reporting p<.05 or p>.05 is not acceptable (unless SPSS output states p=.000 – in that case you can report p<.001). A researcher wants to examine what impacts GPA. In addition to GPA, she measures perceptions of the teacher, perception of class content, motivation, IQ, hours studied, and final grade. Teacher perception was assessed using a ranking scale of low positive, moderate positive, or high positive teacher perception. Perception of the class was self reported as either “YES” or “NO” with the question of “Do you believe this course will help prepare you for a meaningful career?” Motivation is assessed using a standardized scale that ranges from 0 – 100, which higher scores indicating more motivation. Hours studied is the average amount studied per week, and final grade was the final percent earned in the class. This data set is located in the current module and is titled “ Correlation & Regression SPSS Data Set”. 8. Conduct a Pearson correlation to determine whether there is a positive relationship between motivation (motscore) and GPA. Paste the relevant SPSS output below. ANSWER 9. Write the results in APA style. Make sure to indicate whether it is one or two-tailed and if appropriate, the coefficient of determination. ANSWER 10. Conduct a linear regression to see if you can predict GPA based on hours studied (hrsstudy). Paste the relevant SPSS output below. ANSWER 11. Write the results in APA style. ANSWER 12. Create an appropriate graph for this data if using a regression equation. ANSWER Part III: Cumulative These questions can be related to anything covered thus far in the course. 13. Describe a variable that would likely result in a positively skewed distribution. Justify your rationale, using example numbers for the mean, median, and mode. ANSWER 14. Describe a variable that would likely result in platykurtic distribution. Justify your rationale making sure to describe the dispersion of scores. ANSWER 15. If you are looking at scores on an exam and they seem rather normally distributed except for one extremely low score, what would be the most appropriate measure of central tendency to describe the distribution? ANSWER 16. Where would you go within an introduction to find the rationale, problem statement, and hypothesis (near the beginning, middle, or end)? (see M1 Introduction to Research Methods presentation for a refresher!). ANSWER 17. Researcher Jane believes she’s developed a new measure for stress. How can she measure its construct validity? ANSWER 18. Give an example of a subject / participant variable (review ch. 1). ANSWER