Coordinate Complex Case requirements
Part B – Jane
Written – Case Planning
Your role is a case manager in a local non-government agency. You have the responsibility for the coordination of service delivery. You have recently engaged with the family outlined in the case study.
Learners are to complete the case planning process based on the complex case scenario below, or a complex case from their workplace, identifying relevant services to support the client.
Case Scenario
Jane resides in the outer western suburbs of Newcastle in a private rent accommodation. Jane has three children youngest being 3, 7 and 10. The family has been given an eviction notice as Jane is behind in the rent. Jane has substantial rental arrears. The family receive benefits from Centrelink, these benefits just meet the needs of the family.
Jane has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and has infrequent treatment of her disorder. Jane often does not take her medication due the side effects of the medication. Jane also has a long history of binge drinking alcohol.
Jane’s current partner, Fred. Fred identifies as being Aboriginal and is known in the local Aboriginal community.
Jane’s children are Max who is 10 years old and has a learning disability, and Sarah aged 7 by a previous partner. The youngest child is Samuel aged 3 who is developmentally delayed. Fred is Samuel’s father.
Jane has experienced episodes of domestic violence on several occasions, from Fred and the police have attended the family home on the last 3 occasions. The violent outbursts often occur in front of three children. The Police have issued a non-exclusive AVO which allows Fred to remain in the family home.
Jane has indicated that she will not be appearing at local court as she does not see what all the fuss is about. Jane has indicated that Fred is a good dad; he just gets a little angry from time to time.
Max and Sarah currently attend the local public school. The school has indicated that they are both doing well at school. They regularly have their lunch provided and they are dressed appropriately in clean clothes each day. The only concern expressed is in relation to a recent change in Max’s behaviour when he became aggressive towards a female student in his class. The principal also identified that recently Jane’s appearance had been dishevelled when she arrived to collect the children. Also, her speech was very incoherent when she spoke with staff.
The Plan will follow the following criteria:
1. Identify and prioritise the full range of issues faced by client for the purpose of accessing multiple services
2. Identify available services, their appropriateness, timeframes and expected outcomes
3. Identify responsibilities and roles
4. Set case conference and meeting time frames
occur in front of three children. The Police have issued a non-exclusive AVO which allows Fred to remain in the family home.
Jane has indicated that she will not be appearing at local court as she does not see what all the fuss is about. Jane has indicated that Fred is a good dad; he just gets a little angry from time to time.
Max and Sarah currently attend the local public school. The school has indicated that they are both doing well at school. They regularly have their lunch provided and they are dressed appropriately in clean clothes each day. The only concern expressed is in relation to a recent change in Max’s behaviour when he became aggressive towards a female student in his class. The principal also identified that recently Jane’s appearance had been dishevelled when she arrived to collect the children. Also, her speech was very incoherent when she spoke with staff.
The Plan will follow the following criteria:
1. Identify and prioritise the full range of issues faced by client for the purpose of accessing multiple services
2. Identify available services, their appropriateness, timeframes and expected outcomes
3. Identify responsibilities and roles
4. Set case conference and meeting time frames
5. Work with the client to monitor progress towards outcomes
6. Case plan format must reflect current industry standards.
Part C – Fred
Written Response – Case Management Coordination
Your role is a case manager in a local non-government agency. You have the responsibility for the coordination of service delivery. You have recently engaged with the family outlined in the case study.
Consider the following questions and discuss your approach relevant to the case scenario (below).
Case Scenario
Fred resides in the outer western suburbs of Newcastle in a private rent accommodation held by his partner Jane. The family has been given an eviction notice as Jane is behind in the rent. The family receive benefits from Centrelink, these benefits just meet the needs of the family. Fred has one child with Jane, Samuel aged 3 who is developmentally delayed. Jane has 2 other children Max who is 10 years old and has a learning disability, and Sarah aged 7 by a previous partner. Fred suffers with a mental health issues and has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Fred has infrequent treatment from his mental health specialist. He has stated that the voices tell him “not to trust them”. Fred does not take his medication. Fred identifies as being Aboriginal and is known in the local Aboriginal community. Fred also binge drinks alcohol and is often prone to violent outbursts with Jane in front of the children. As a result of these violent outbursts the three children are exposed to family violence within the family home. Fred often minimises his own behaviour by stating the reasons that he drinks is that it is his right to drink and due to the financial pressures that the family has both previously and currently experience. On the last three occasions of Fred’s aggressive outbursts, the police
have attended the family home. The Police have issued a non-exclusive AVO which allows Fred to remain in the family home. Jane has indicated that she will not be appearing at local court as she does not see what all the fuss is about. Jane has indicated that Fred is a good dad; he just gets a little angry from time to time.
Address the following questions with specific reference to the needs of the client:
1. Discuss how you would negotiate collaborative working arrangements for appropriate services.
2. Discuss how you would work with relevant services to agreed coordination requirements and boundaries.
3. Discuss how you would coordinate your work with other services to minimise client confusion and concerns.
4. Discuss how you would obtain client feedback about the services accessed. What approach would you take for this client?
5. How would you identify and implement further support required to meet changing needs and progress towards outcomes?
6. Discuss how you will communicate with others service providers and facilitate a case conference.