III. Course requirements and evaluation 2. For fifty (50) percent of the grade for the course each student is required to complete a five (5) page double spaced paper on the contemporary situation of education in Canada as it pertains to Status Indians. Due date for this assignment is: Due date for assignment 2 is April 9, 2020. In completion of this assignment I would recommend you read the following before you write your paper: 1. Complete the reading of the case on Judith A. Charlie, complainant v. Sts’ailes Indian Band. Pay particular attention to Indianness, rights of Indians, school curriculum. 2. Review “No mandate, no responsibility, no accountability for Indian Education” – Auditor General of Canada. 3. Review “On Power + Place = Personality: On Restoring Indigenous Metaphysics To Indigenous Education” by Vine Deloria Jr.. 4. Review the “Report on Indigenous education in Ontario’s schools calls for change.” 5. Review “Reciprocal Education Approach (REA) Instruction for First Nations and School Boards” at the following URL: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/indigenous/rea-instructions-en.pdf Articles sent seperately. Grading Criteria for assignments: Length – target assigned length of assignment – if a 5 page paper is expected, don’t submit 2 pages or 10 pages; 4.5 to 5.5 will do! Comprehensiveness – broad coverage of topic; what is the topic (book) all about? Conciseness – clarity of terminology; if it takes 25 words to say something can you reduce it to 5 words. Analysis – depth of analysis; do you provide just a surface coverage of the topic or have you thought through what it all means? Links – connections of theoretical to practical; do you provide example(s) of the application of the theory presented as you understand it within real life situations. Conclusion – result of your analysis of the subject matter; from your analysis of the subject matter what do you conclude? Keep in mind that you cannot properly discuss the subject matter covered by the author(s) if you have not read the book! This includes all course materials!