What we’ve been calling the “history paper” is a research paper emphasizing your analysis of an aspect of either the history or the contemporary practice of investigative reporting. What I want is mainly your opinions coupled with some information on a figure in investigative journalism—a particular investigative journalist such as Ida Tarbell or Ida B. Wells or Edward R. Murrow or publishers Joseph Pulitzer or E. W. Scripps who both championed investigative journalism during the Muckraking Era, or on an issue with bearing on investigative journalism such as the history of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act or the use of hidden TV cameras or on libel law or on the crusading history of the African- American press or on the Watergate investigation and its major impacts. I want a paper that will involve your views, your reflections, your insights on your research into the subject. Thus the paper should be written in first person—using “I” throughout—with you, every few lines, explaining what you think of the various aspects of the subject. This paper is to be four FULL pages, double-spaced, printed in 12-point font.