Identify, discuss and describe a specific contemporary political problem related to one or more of the subjects examined in POLS 2301 (i.e., parties, the media, interest groups, elections). Citations and specific academic information gained from the course MUST be provided in both the body of the text and in the bibliography. Subject areas should focus on topics listed in the syllabus. An example of a proper in-text citation is: (Davis, p. 18, 2018). An example of a proper citation in your Works Cited page is: Davis, Terri and James P. Nelson, The Texas Constitution: The People, History, and Government of the Lone Star State, Lamar Literary Press, 2017.
2. Construct and communicate a solution to the problem you identified (above). Make sure to develop and express your solution in the form of an argument that is supported by well-documented and properly cited facts and data. A good paper will have at least 3-5 scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook(s) and course videos.
TOPIC THAT ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR THIS COURSE – Policy Topics (such as gun control, immigration, abortion, etc…), Civil Liberty and Civil Rights (Race or Gender), or Institutions (Power of the Presidency, etc… ). These topics are all covered in POLS 2302, not POLS 2301, so please do not write on these topics. If you have questions whether your topic is good for this course, please ask.