Your task:
The individual website-based presentation (40%) requires you to develop a page (interactive presentation) with Adobe Spark. However, the content still needs to be academic, including the application of one appropriate behavioural concept and the critical analysis thereof. The overall word count for the website-based presentation is limited to 1,500. Adobe Spark provides you with several tools, e.g. embedding of videos, photos, and links, to creatively and aesthetically present the content. There are support seminar sessions scheduled (week 5 & 6) and additional support videos on Blackboard to provide you with the necessary skills and opportunities to ask questions.
- Word limit 1,500
(excluding footnotes, references and bibliography)
- less than 1,500 words – not likely to be of sufficient depth to reach the required standard
- more than 1,500 words is not likely to be sufficiently focussed and succinct
àTry to be sharp and concise!
- develop a Adobe Spark Page
- utilise the Adobe Spark tools, e.g. embedding of videos, photos, and links to support your content
àTry to be creative and visually appealing!
Example page:
You expected to discuss the following question:
Discuss to what extent is the consumer behaviour of Millennials different to that of Generation X or Baby Boomers in the area of …?
- _Leisure
- _Luxury/ novelty goods
- _Entertainment, e.g. movies, music
- _Health products
(Please choose only one of the four listed industries to focus your page on.)
And apply of one appropriate behavioural concept and the critical analysis thereof.
Please choose either Generation X or Baby Boomers and only one of the four listed industries to focus your page on.