Assignment Questions
Coursework: 3D Rendering of Wallpapers
You have been recently been hired by an Interior decorating company. They thrive on their ability to show their customers virtually rendered wallpaper. The customer has the ability to scroll through the virtual scene looking at different 3D objects textured with the wallpapers they offer. Create a scene with 3D objects each textured with their wallpapers.
The required development environment: Netbeans LWJGL.
The goal of the coursework is to develop 3D rendering of the Wallpapers, to show how to combine texturing, lighting, rotation and zooming in and out all in real-time with OpenGL.
You should write a program that displays virtual Wallpapers on 3D object (3D objects with their wallpaper textures). Successfully rendered objects will have the following characteristics:
- Looks realistic. Objects could be colored, textured, show varied light sources, and object should be relevant to the scene;
- Has some movement and rotation;
- Can be viewed from different positions/angles (viewing/projection);
- Allows user controlled viewing (keyboard and mouse inputs).
The student should ensure that his/her program runs independently and without error on a machine (particularly if you have used the libraries at home on a PC) and that all required parts (files, including textures) are contained in your submission. The substantial comment must be included at the top of the program which includes your name, course, year and a statement that this is your own work. This comment should also include a description of what your program does (i.e. how to *combine* texturing, lighting, rotation and zooming in and out all in real-time with OpenGL).
Write1200 words commentary about the design and development experiences you had while undertaking the assignment, and what you learned about your own work practices as a result.
You should submit a report including design, documentation, the code for the 3D rendering objects, screenshots and evidence of validation to Turnitin and Portal. However, your score and feedback will be based only on your report. Your submission should consist of the following:
- Design documentations e.g. annotated sketch diagrams/wire-frames; colour schemes and style patterns etc. Your report will show how you have addressed accessibility in your design e.g. different colour patterns for visually impaired, different 3D objects texture,
- Development e.g. Screen shots of 3D Wallpapers and the original code in plain text.
- Evidence of the program code validation and comment must be included an elaboration of the code.
- Evidence of combine texturing, lighting, rotation and zooming in and out all in real-time with OpenGL.
- Your report should be laid out the following points:
Cover Page:
Assignment title, module code, full name and student number as well as submission date.
Table of Contents:
A list of all of the sections, headings and sub-headings, appendices and figures should be provided as well as all page numbers as clearly as possible.
This should summarise your response to the task and the strategy you are presenting.
Development Log
This is the substance of your report. You should take your reader through screen grabs of the functioning program, code snippets and explanations of that code. You should use your experiences to structure your log, clearly demonstrating how you addressed each of the requested tasks and demands.
Headings and sub-headings should be used to clearly indicate the different sections addressing all the sections of the marking criteria, screen grabs of code sections such as algorithms should be pasted in the main body and explained.
All the named sources you have quoted from or reproduced in your report. Please use The Harvard System for all references. Details for the Harvard System can be found on the student portal.
A self-reflective commentary about the design and development experiences you had while undertaking the assignment, and what you learned about your own work practices as a result.
These draw together your findings. Reiterate and explain how you have met the requirements of the coursework brief.